Thursday, November 14, 2013

IMH: Advantages of blood donation

As per below artile blood donation improves your cholestrol level, blood pressure level, get rid of excess iron, saves someones life, reduce chances of suger, liver problems etc... so please donate blood every 3 months approximately.

Blood donation, the voluntary act of allowing one's blood to be drawn out of body has many advantages besides giving that wonderful feeling of saving someone's life. Most of the time it is an act of charity, though sometimes many people donate blood for money and other incentives. The blood donated is stored in blood banks, to be subsequently used for transfusion. 

No doubt the first and foremost advantage of donating blood is the exalted feeling of saving someone's life. If we donate the little excess blood in our body, it could save someone's life without creating any problem for us. Instead it would help to alleviate some major health problems like heart diseases. Blood donation is an excellent way to get rid of excess iron accumulated in our body due to its overconsumption. Excess iron in the body can stimulate the formation of free radicals, which are responsible for causing damage to body cells and tissues. Free radicals are also associated with many diseases like heart diseases and cancer

Iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also causediabetesliver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.

Besides, blood donation also burns the extra calories and reduces your cholesterol level. After donating blood, the count of blood cells decreases in our body, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the loss. So, it stimulates the production of new blood cells and refreshes the system. 

Before donating blood, your hemoglobin level will be tested. If it is low, then you will not be allowed to donate blood. Besides hemoglobin, your blood pressure level and body weight will also be checked. In addition, your blood will also be examined for detecting the presence of five diseases, namely, hepatitis Bhepatitis CSyphilisHIV/AIDS and malaria. If you are not suffering from these diseases, only then you will be allowed to donate your blood.

There are no major disadvantages of donating blood, except that sometimes one may experience a drop in blood pressure due to hypovolemia (a state of reduced blood volume), which may necessitate cancellation of donation. Sometimes, one may also experience mild nausea or dizziness for a short while. But if you compare the health benefits and mental satisfaction that comes from saving a life, you will feel that benefits of this act of charity is not only restricted to the recipient, but also helps the donor immensely.

How often can one give blood?
Regulations in the United States allow people to donate whole blood once every 56 days. The waiting period between donations can be different for other blood components. For example, donating only platelets in a process called apheresis requires only a 3 day wait before a person can give again. Donating two units of red blood cells through a similar process doubles the waiting period to 112 days.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

A Silent But Powerful Message

Sitting On The Grass Mat, Living An isolated Life….  


All Day He Has To Pick Garbage For His Survival…..




Care For Child Safety During Play!!! 




No Home To Protect Them From The Winter…. 



All That Belongs To Me is My Body.   
Can't Afford A Pair Of Shoes….  

Nido Milk is Good For Children's Health,But….


Study, Play And work All in One…..



Time To Buy A New Bedroom Set ??? How Do The Orphans Sleep....



How Do You see His Future…..



Living On The Garbage Pile…. 




Do You See Hope in These Eyes !!!!




Looking For Food… 



Not Happy With Your 2 Bedroom Apartment ??? 
This is My Home, My World, My Universe….  



Where is My Lunch ?? 




Don't Waste Water, Some People Desperately Need it… 



So What Do You Think About Yourself ??????? 
Did You Ever Thank God For The Blessings And Abundance He Has Showered Upon You ???????

So what do you think about the life you are living? 
We could have been in one of these pictures isn't it.
It is only due to the mercy of GOD AND NOT OUR OWN ABILITY that we are in air conditioned offices, with houses that stand empty all day, cupboards filled with food, closets filled with clothes, reading this e-mail.
Why do we keep thinking of what we don't have or what we want to have?
Do we ever count and appreciate the things that we do have?
Do we have any idea of how much we actually have?
Keep thanking GOD for the blessings and abundance He has showered upon us?
Try to reach out to those who are in need today and everyday…


A Silent But Powerful Message

Sitting On The Grass Mat, Living An isolated Life….  


All Day He Has To Pick Garbage For His Survival…..




Care For Child Safety During Play!!! 




No Home To Protect Them From The Winter…. 



All That Belongs To Me is My Body.   
Can't Afford A Pair Of Shoes….  

Nido Milk is Good For Children's Health,But….


Study, Play And work All in One…..



Time To Buy A New Bedroom Set ??? How Do The Orphans Sleep....



How Do You see His Future…..


Living On The Garbage Pile…. 




Do You See Hope in These Eyes !!!!




Looking For Food… 


Not Happy With Your 2 Bedroom Apartment ??? 
This is My Home, My World, My Universe….  



Where is My Lunch ?? 




Don't Waste Water, Some People Desperately Need it… 



So What Do You Think About Yourself ??????? 
Did You Ever Thank God For The Blessings And Abundance He Has Showered Upon You ???????

So what do you think about the life you are living? 
We could have been in one of these pictures isn't it.
It is only due to the mercy of GOD AND NOT OUR OWN ABILITY that we are in air conditioned offices, with houses that stand empty all day, cupboards filled with food, closets filled with clothes, reading this e-mail.
Why do we keep thinking of what we don't have or what we want to have?
Do we ever count and appreciate the things that we do have?
Do we have any idea of how much we actually have?
Keep thanking GOD for the blessings and abundance He has showered upon us?
Try to reach out to those who are in need today and everyday…


Introduction to I Must Help

This blog has been created to promote the concept of supporting others through financial, ethical, social, moral and educational means. The contents are posted with the mission that the message of helping others is reached to every single human on earth and is refreshed again and again until each soul concretely understands the message that helping others is the utmost responsibility he/she carries throughout the life. 

The owner of this blog believes that not only NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) are required to work for social causes, instead, each human MUST contribute towards society even if he/she has one spare biscuit for another member !!!

The overall intention is to create a work force who would reduce the poverty, stress, hunger and health index across the globe including but not limited to the following areas

Whether you are rich, average or poor, you can definitely contribute towards one ore more categories mentioned below: 

1- Educate A Child
2- Adopt A Child
3- Finance a Patient
4- Donate The Blood 
5- Support A Hospital
6- Sponsor Food For a Family on Monthly Basis
7- Buy a Poor woman a sewing Machine

The owner does not accept any donations directly or indirectly.